Oh my, summer is finally at hand! The forecast is not great for my comfort level and it’s generally not great for the fungus that causes oak wilt and the beetles that are vectors for the disease. That’s why it is generally considered a low risk time for oak wilt transmission and an acceptable time to prune your live oaks (from July through January)!
Keep in mind “The 3 D’s of Pruning:” remove dead wood, dying/diseased wood, and dysfunctional wood.
Here are three “Don’ts of Pruning:”
Don’t lion tail or poodle tail your trees. This excessive pruning method strips green living branches and sprouts from the interior of the tree. It is considered an “unacceptable practice” according to the ANSI A300 Part I Standard Pruning Practices.
Don’t overreact to the storm damage. Prune with preservation of tree canopies in mind.
(Shameless plug #1. I can help write pruning specifications for your tree service or can show you how to preserve damaged branches. Contact me for help.)
Don’t excessively prune interior sprout growth. These sprouts are generally not stealing energy from your tree. (Shameless plug #2. I can explain how they help and which ones to prune or preserve.) (Contact me for help.)
Let’s get together to talk about how proper pruning can make a difference in managing the health and beauty of your trees!
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Scott George
Austin Beautiful Trees, Inc.